Selected Publications
Gagnon, J. C. , Gurel, S., Barber, B. R., Houchins, D. E., Lane, H., McCray, E., & Lambert, R. G. (2024). Teacher instructional approaches and student engagement and behavioral responses during literacy instruction in a juvenile correctional facility. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. Online.
LaBelle, B., Gagnon, J. C. , Joyce-Beaulieu, D., Lane, J., Gage, N., Kranzler, J., Houchins, D., Lane, H., McCray, E., Lambert, R., & Ball, S. (2024). Evaluating the utility of the MAYSI-2 among African-American male juvenile offenders. Behavioral Disorders, 49, 222-235.
Gagnon, J. C. , McCray, E. D., & Mullen, D. (2024). From the inside out: A life story narrative of one young man’s experience post-apartheid, post-prison. The Humanistic Psychologist, 52, 83-101.
Gagnon, J. C. , Honkasilta, J., & Jahnukainen, M. (2023). Teacher education in Finland: Progress on preparing teachers for inclusion of students with learning and behavioral difficulties. In R. de Oliveira Brito, R. & A. Anselmo Guilherme (Eds.), Formação de Professores ao redor do mundo: Desafios e oportunidades (Teacher education around the world: Challenges and opportunities) (pp. 197-222). UNESCO. ISBN: 978-65-87522-13-5.
Gagnon, J. C. , Kern, L., & Mathur, S. R. (2022). The Council for Exceptional Children, Division of Emotional and Behavioral Health’s position statement on solitary confinement. Behavioral Disorders, 47, 282-291.
Gagnon, J. C. , Ross Benedick, A. & Mason-William, L. (2022). Mental health interventions for youth who are incarcerated: A systematic review of literature. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 92, 391-404.
Gagnon, J. C. , Ruiz, E., Mathur, S. R., & Mason-Williams, L. (2022). Interventions addressing incarcerated youth behavior: A review of literature. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 92, 405-417.
Gagnon, J. C. , Mason-Williams, L., Griller-Clark, H., LaBelle, B., Mathur, S., & Leone, P. E. (2022). Providing high-quality education in juvenile corrections: Next steps. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 92, 429-441.
Gagnon, J. C. (2022). Inclusion in American and Finnish schools: The neglect of youth with emotional and behavioral disorders. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 37, 603-616.
Gagnon, J. C. , & Ross Benedick, A. (2021). Provision of a free and appropriate public education in an adult jail during COVID-19: The case of Charles H. et al. v. District of Columbia et al., Education Sciences, 11(12), 1-13.
Gagnon, J. C. , & Swank, J. (2021). A national survey on mental health professional development in juvenile justice facilities: Implications for youth reentry. Behavioral Disorders, 46, 149–162.